All You Want To Know About Ayodhya & Ram Rajya

File Pic - Ayodhya Kingdom

Lord Rama was born in Ayodhya on the banks of the river Sarayu, according to the Ramayana. This place is identified with Ayodhya in present-day Uttar Pradesh. As per Hindu beliefs, an ancient temple stood at the birthplace to mark the spot. And that it was demolished in 1528 by first Mughal emperor Babur when he built a mosque - Babri Masjid
An Archaeological Survey of India probe - on the orders of HC - submitted a voluminous report in 2003 saying that proof had been found of a massive structure just below the demolished Babri Masjid. The survey claimed the presence of walls and pillars of a temple-like structure. However this was disputed by other members of the group which conducted the dig.
M. C. Joshi asserted that Ayodhya is mentioned in a Taittiriya Aranyaka verse, which is also found with some variations in the Atharvaveda:
aṣṭācakrā navadvārā devānāṃ pūrayodhyā
tasyāṃ hiraṇyayaḥkośaḥ svargo loko jyotiṣāvṛtaḥ
yo vai tāṃ brahmaṇo vedāmṛtenāvṛtāṃ puram
tasmai brahma ca brāhmā ca āyuḥ kirtim prajāṃ daduḥ
vibhrājamānām hariṇīṃ yaśasā saṃparīvṛtām
puraṃ hiraṇyayīṃ brahmā viveśāparājitām

Ayodhya (impregnable), the city of the gods, consists of eight circles (also cycles) and nine entrances;
within it there is the golden treasure-dome, the celestial world, ever-illuminated with light (north pole).
Whoever knows it as the Creator's city ever surrounded with nectar
will have long life, fame, and offspring bestowed on him, by Brahma (the sun), and Brahma (the moon).
Into this city ever shining, moving, and pervaded with Yasas (fame and lustre),
the Creator has entered.

—Taittiriya Aranyaka 1.27
aṣṭācakrā navadvārā devānāṃ pūrayodhyā
tasyāṃ hiraṇyayaḥkośaḥ svargo jyotiṣāvṛtaḥ

Eight-wheeled, nine-doored, is the impregnable stronghold of the gods;
in that is a golden vessel, heaven-going (swarga), covered with light

—Atharvaveda 10.2.31

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